
Congratulations to our "Best of Fest" Winners!

The audience votes are in, and we’re proud to announce our 2019 Short Play and Monologue Festival “Best of Fest” winners:

1st Place: “Eulogy For Cookie” by Toni Ann DeNoble
2nd Place: “Puerto Rican Kitchen” by Keishla Rivera-Lopez
3rd Place: “L Train Vintage: Graham Avenue” by Kari Luna

Honorable Mention:"Tonantzin on The 7 Train" by Amalia Oliva Rojas; "Boston on Business" by Jill Melanie Wirth and David Wirth; "Dream Catchers" by Venessa M. Diaz; "The Color of Matter" by David Jaeil Kim; "The Robert E. Lee Statue" by Liz Fein

Congratulations to the winners, and to all the artists who took part in this year’s Festival. Stay tuned for our Best of Fest Encore Series this Fall!